African tribes

Episode 1-5: What is life like in African tribes?

In this episode, I will tell you how I became a world traveler, what life is like in African tribes and what stories I have experienced.


A Part of this Podcast:

First of all, I would like to say hello to you and your dear listeners. You had a very attractive personality for me when we first met each other. I have a good feeling that now we are going to talk about topics that will be interesting for you and me. I hope it will be interesting for those who hear it.


I’m sure it is. Look, when I wanted to write where to start, I really didn’t know whether to start with the fact that you went to the bottom of Europe with A Peugeot 207 or the story of living in African tribes. But before anything else, I want to know what happened that Benyamin Marco became a traveler. Why did you go for tourism? It must have a story behind it. I would really like to know that story.


you know what? Sometimes, first when we look at something, when you look at a food on another table, you say how beautiful it is. For example, what color is this food? It may take hours or even days for it to be ready for you to enjoy it. I think the story of my life is something like this. Until this story is ready, the character will be formed and everyone will see what a cool and attractive life every day on vacation, every day on the trip. Some people don’t see inside that backstage. I mean, the problems I got in life, the difficulties I had, the challenges I had. Now, many people don’t know that I had a very hard life until I was twenty-two years old. I had a very difficult life when I was twenty-three years old. I mean, I experienced sadness, I experienced happiness, and I experienced the loss of a series of things, the most important of which was my father. I lost him at the age of fifteen and I had no supporter. These stories of the life of a boy who loved football and wanted to become a footballer. He worked in the morning, I don’t know how many days a week, he went to football in the afternoon. He should have done a series of other jobs at night to generate income, but people don’t see this.


I was born in Karaj; we were in Karaj for a while. My father was a truck driver and my mother is originally from Tabriz, my father is Tehrani. But he spent some time in other cities, because of his type of work. I mean, I feel like I was born Marco Polo from the very beginning. Because I was born in a city where neither my parents were from, nor did I have a very special root for that place. After I grew up, I got interested in new things. I had two interests. One was speaking English, the second was football. And speaking English would make me feel excited when I see foreign tourists outside and communicate with them at all. Until I remember that in the third grade, when the teacher put the geography book in front of me, I was so excited, then in the book I saw words like: plains, rivers, continents, and these were fascinating to me.

I liked sports and this part of school. But math was tricky. For example, I used to get eight by cheating this and that, which made me do a series of things. Playing football in this city and in that city until I was twenty-two or twenty-three years old, something happened in my life. I was in dire need of money. My life was in its worst time and I couldn’t play football, maybe I didn’t have the talent. Maybe it didn’t work at all for me and consider someone who was a football player until last week. Then, together with one of his friends, he had to go to some place in some buildings and he had to do technical work that he didn’t know how to do. I will say very short because this is ten episodes if I want to say.

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