Benyamin Rezaei: A Journey of Passion and Perseverance

Benyamin Rezaei, widely known as Benyamin Marco, is an Iranian explorer whose thirst for adventure has taken him across four continents to over 80 countries and more than 630 cities. His enduring fascination with the globe began in an elementary school geography class, leading him to memorize and sketch all countries by fifth grade.
Rezaei’s life story is not just about his travels but also about overcoming adversity. Following his father’s passing at 15, he juggled education with work to support his family, eventually migrating to Istanbul with a mere $110 at the age of 22. After guiding tourists in Istanbul for four years, he returned to Iran to study Tourism Management at university and opened a travel agency, which he later sold to fund his worldwide travels.

Interview with DW network

Interview with Asia News Network

Interview with Radio Sweden

His adventures are as inspiring as they are harrowing, from sampling unconventional delicacies like scorpions in Southeast Asia to enduring a five-hour kidnapping ordeal in South Sudan. These experiences have been documented in his six published books, which provide an intimate look into the life of a man who risks it all for the love of discovery.
Rezaei’s professional acumen has not gone unnoticed. He has been featured in various media outlets, giving interviews with Swiss Radio, German TV, and other international news agencies. His engaging storytelling and expertise in the realm of travel have garnered him significant attention, highlighting his role as a cultural ambassador and a voice of adventurous spirits everywhere.
Benyamin Rezaei’s journey is not just about the miles he’s covered but also about the lives he’s touched and the stories he’s told, which continue to inspire would-be adventurers around the world.
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