BENYAMIN REZAEI | World traveler

Benyamin Rezaei, also known as Benyamin Marco in the virtual world, is a renowned travel writer, documentary maker, and world traveler born in Karaj, Alborz, on July 7th, 1984. He studied tourism at the university and has traveled extensively to over 60 countries on four continents, sharing his adventures through travelogues and several published books like “Yedoneh Vali Mardaneh,” “Tehran to Vancouver,” “Eighty Days around Europe,” “Migration to Istanbul,” and “Eight Years Around the World.”

Benyamin Marco embarked on a slow tourism trip, traveling across Europe in his private car, a Peugeot 207, from Tehran to Turkey, Greece, Italy, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, Spain, Portugal, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, and finally, Turkey, arriving back in Iran after 110 days of adventure. Despite facing challenges such as having his belongings stolen in Barcelona and being fined for parking, Benyamin remained positive throughout his journey.

During his trip, he shared his experiences with his followers on Instagram, which included setting a record for traveling the farthest reaches of Europe in an Iranian-made car, visiting the Benz factory, writing a piece of Rumi’s poetry on his car, and paying homage to the poet’s tomb upon his return to Europe. Although traveling by land and in a private car can come with more problems than planned tour trips, Benyamin believes that travel strengthens one’s morale and curiosity, and learning from other travelers’ experiences minimizes unforeseen issues.

To learn more about Benyamin Rezaei’s travels, readers can follow him on social media, read his books, visit his personal website or travel blog, and buy his experiences at an affordable cost.

Traveling by personal vehicle

Traveling by personal vehicle
Traveling by personal vehicle

Traveling can be a unique and exciting experience for travelers like Benyamin Rezaei, who seek adventure and new knowledge. Each journey can offer something different based on one’s personality, interests, financial situation, and other factors. Adventurers like Benyamin choose to travel in their own vehicles to fulfill their dreams of exploring the world at their own pace.

Benyamin’s slow tourism trip across Europe in his private car is an excellent example of how this type of travel can provide a unique and unforgettable experience.

Benyamin shared his experiences with his followers on social media, inspiring others to follow their dreams of traveling the world. His journey also highlights the benefits of slow tourism, which can offer a deeper understanding and appreciation of different cultures and ways of life. Travelers who choose this type of trip are often more prepared to face unexpected challenges that may arise while on the road.

Last but not least

Benyamin Rezaei
Benyamin Rezaei

Benyamin’s travels also highlight the importance of respecting different cultures and ways of life. As a world traveler, Benyamin has had the opportunity to immerse himself in various cultures, learning about their customs, traditions, and beliefs. This experience has given him a greater appreciation for diversity and a broader perspective on global issues.

Through his work as a travel writer and documentary maker, Benyamin has also raised awareness of social and environmental challenges faced by different communities worldwide. His documentaries shed light on issues such as poverty, inequality, and climate change, inspiring viewers to take action and make a difference in the world.

Finally, Benyamin’s travels show that with the right mindset, traveling can be a transformative experience that enriches one’s life and broadens horizons. Through his journeys, he has developed resilience, adaptability, and an open-mindedness that have helped him overcome challenges and embrace new opportunities.

In conclusion, Benyamin Rezaei’s travels reflect the power of travel to inspire, educate, and transform. His slow tourism trip across Europe in his private car is just one example of how this type of travel can offer unique and unforgettable experiences that broaden perspectives and deepen understanding. As a world traveler and documentary maker, Benyamin has used his experiences to raise awareness of global issues and inspire others to create positive change in the world.

Episode 1-3: Around Europe with Peugeot 207 in 80 days - Part I Japan Travelogue to Dubai Be Alone but Be a Man 

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